The Hating Game Book Review

The Hating Game is an amusing and riveting read. The witty and charming characters, Lucy and Joshua make you yearn for more of their tangled love story. The evocative plot brings the book to life. In parts of the novel, the plot may get repetitive and languid. Lucy Hutton and Joshua Templeman are a match made in heaven, however much of a cliche that is. Lucy is the bubbly girl next door who is kind to everyone, and Joshua is the cold-hearted guy whose heart is closed off to everyone.

They have a steamy office romance that involves obsessive behaviour that one may experience from their first feelings of love. The intimacy of their relationship really draws you into the pages with their open and sweet conversations as the book moves on. Joshua does hold a soft spot for Lucy who has her guard up towards her coworker and supposed nemesis because of their conflict, gunning for the same top position.

This is your typical enemies to lovers but with a splash of office romance in it. A love triangle appears for a short while causing jealousy and sparking outrage in the two. They both have jealous natures which causes most of the conflict in the story. However, as you read on, your heart aches for the two as they may just close off their hearts to each other. The slow burn that the author involves makes you want to get to the end faster and you just cannot put the book down. This book captures the essence of your typical forbidden office romance.

If you enjoy a steamy office romance, enemies to lovers, or forced proximity, The Hating Game by Sally Thorne checks off all of the boxes.

The Hating Game by Sally Thorne is available to check out from the Mission Viejo Library. It is also available to download for free from Libby.

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