The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is a dystopian novel about a teenage girl, Katniss Everdeen, living in a society where the Hunger Games are held every year. A boy and a girl, known as Tributes, are chosen by Panem, the capital of what was formerly North America, to participate in the infamous Hunger Games. As a result, all twelve of the Capitol’s districts are completely under its control. Every citizen is required to see the youth fight to the death until just one remains. Katniss Everdeen’s sister is chosen as a tribute but Katniss volunteers to take her place as the girl tribute from District 12. When it comes to making decisions between love and survival, Katniss Everdeen only has her hunting skills and keen senses to help her.

I LOVE the Hunger Games Trilogy SO MUCH! I was addicted to reading this book to the point where I had to force myself to put the book down and go to bed. While reading, Collins leaves you on a cliffhanger after each chapter. Also, I enjoyed how Collins described Katniss’ emotions, as I could relate to them. 

I didn’t dislike anything about this book. I highly recommend it to people who like action and a good dystopian novel! I have seen the movies at least 5 times and there is nothing negative I could say about this trilogy! 

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is available to check out from the Mission Viejo Library. It is also available to download for free from Libby.


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