Literature and Escapism: Why are so many drawn to fiction?

In the 21st century, teens and adults alike are bombarded by notifications ranging from depressing news stories to shocking exposés regarding beloved celebrities. Social media has made people emotionally numb as they swipe from one heartwarming post to a sob story on the next page, disrupting their capability to process emotions. In such a mentally taxing world, it seems only natural that some would seek escape through other mediums- this being literature, mainly fiction.

But what do I mean by “escape?” The term for mentally excusing oneself from reality and seeking a sense of calmness, namely through fantasy, is how Oxford Dictionary defines the word “escapism.” While exploring fantastical worlds is okay in moderation, escapism is the excessive use of material to sever one’s connection from reality, resulting in an unhealthy relationship with the real world. This makes it difficult for people to address the root of their problems- whether it be an unfulfilling career, lackluster social life, or an underlying mental health condition, escapism shrouds the problem and allows it to be forgotten in exchange for temporary relief.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (film) - Wikipedia

Chief offenders of indulging escapist tendencies include the renowned Harry Potter and Percy Jackson series which are known for their elaborate worlds of magic and Greek mythology. While the authors of the franchises themselves aren’t to blame for the problems of others, they certainly provide a plethora of spinoffs and merchandise to keep legacy readers sucked in for several years (if not decades). With the Harry Potter fans, known as “Potterheads,” a thriving community of middle-aged Millennials are present on platforms such as Discord, Reddit, and Twitter. While being a longstanding fan of a book series is not problematic in itself, it becomes an issue when individuals become so enthralled with the stories that they cannot distinguish reality from itself.

For example, when entering a Google search of “Potterheads are convinced Harry Potter is real,” a plethora of social platforms with questions about whether Harry Potter could possibly be real pop up. Through Google’s Q&A system, a worrying, question of “Is it possible that Harry Potter is real?” can also be noticed. As Miriam Margoyles, the actor who played Pomona Sprout in the Harry Potter series concerningly stated, “I worry about Harry Potter fans because they should be over that by now” (Margoyles Miriam, “Miriam Margolyes jokingly tells Harry Potter fans to grow up | Seven Sharp,” 2024). If even those who stand to gain the most from this disillusionment take issue with escapism, it is time for us to address it as well.

Miriam Margolyes Doubles Down On 'Harry Potter' Adult Fans Stance: "It Was  25 Years Ago, Grow Up!"

Of course, this analysis of human behavior is all in good fun and I appreciate you reading!

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