Self Driving Cars: The Future of Transportation?

Cars have always needed drivers at the wheel; otherwise, they could not function. But recently, a new technology has begun to prove otherwise. The rise of self-driving cars has become a popular topic of debate. Ernst Dickmanns built the first model in the late 1980s. Only semi-autonomous cars are on the market today, while fully autonomous ones are still developing. Self-driving cars are a new technology that presents solutions and concerns.

Self-driving cars have many benefits and uses. According to SWARCO, a traffic technology corporation, “99% of all accidents are due to human error” (1). These include exhaustion, inattentiveness, or improper driving etiquette. Self-driving cars have technology that eliminates human error, which can prevent most accidents. Additionally, it helps transportation be available to people who can’t drive. Whether it be disabilities or age, self-driving can improve accessibility by driving for people who can’t. Autonomous vehicles can also help decrease traffic. With advanced communication between the cars, it can “improve traffic flow and increase road capacity” (SWARCO, 2). A benefit of self-driving cars is they utilize advanced and accessible technology.

 Besides the many uses, self-driving cars have problems and concerns. A car that always utilizes data and observation cameras is prone to hackers and other online viruses. This can put your safety and privacy at risk. Furthermore, if an autonomous car commits a traffic violation, “no real person can be prosecuted” (SWARCO, 4). Traffic laws must change to fit the presence of self-driving cars. Finally, the car program must learn to drive with humans safely. They have to be able to adapt to any sort of situation with human-driven manual cars. Autonomous cars still have some concerns that need to be addressed.

Self-driving cars do have their technical challenges, but they also have many benefits. Only time will tell if these cars are truly the future of transportation.


2024 is already an abnormal year for marketing and consuming, why is that?

March 12, 2024 marks 4 years since the pandemic and approximately 3 years since quarantine was cut. Since we were all held in our houses, unable to live properly, and make enough money to get us what we want and enough to get us our basic needs, we now see a burst of spending because of us being trapped.

Why do we consume what we consume though? Because us as humans, we have put ourselves in specific groups (or to specific people) and are comparing ourselves with others in that group that we see ourselves in, so we would consume what they have and become them, weather we have the money or wealth for it or not. 

That is an example of competitive consumption, which is the idea that we spend because we are comparing ourselves with peers that are spending, like celebrities, higher hierarchy, etc. In our society, we have structured things on social esteem which is connected to what we can consume. Which that in of itself means that we consume affects our social value… money measures worth and value, weather we like it or not that’s how people are viewed.

Humans aren’t driven by advertisements as well. Not in all scenarios though, some advertisements do hook people and get them to consume things they don’t actually need. Rather that people are just driven to things that compel them and make them more valuable by the people in the group they see themselves apart of, an example is if your whole family and some friends got a specific item, you are more in likely to purchase that item..

Us humans are also drown to cheaper stuff, which is what technology has began to market in the 1920. Another example are sales, we are drown to things listed as “–% off” or even that propaganda term “up too –% off”. 

Consumerism has too do with hierarchy, and its burst right now is because we were unable to get products that make us feel/look valuable or be seen as the group you compare yourself to.

-Zina K

Zoos: Not as Ethical as They Seem

Hard, concrete floors and towering walls. That’s all most zoo animals may learn to see. Some were born free, but that freedom was ripped from their hands as soon as they were taken into a zoo. There are several debates on whether zoos are beneficial to wildlife, but the facts are clear. Misuse of money, poor animal wellbeing, and insufficient education are just a few reason out of several. Zoos are self-indulgent, and should not exist.

Zoos damage the physical and mental wellbeing of animals. Some of them are even driven neurotic due to extreme boredom. Readworks’ “Debate: Are Zoos Bad?” states evidence of “Monkeys and parrots ‘grooming’ themselves until they have no fur or feathers left.” This is unnatural behavior for animals. They are harming themselves because they have lack of nourishment, and it has taken a toll on their mental state of mind. Furthermore, most zoos do not meet the social and physical needs of the animals. Several of them even abuse the animals. National Geographic reports, “An animal welfare group has flagged hundreds of zoos affiliated with the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) for mistreating animals.” The WAZA is a trusted organization, and even within it are several cases of abuse. Keeping animals in such horrid conditions should be illegal. 

It doesn’t take long to find a zoo that cares more about the money than the actual animals. In fact, the Association of Zoos and Aquariums states that around half of the zoos in AZA are for-profit, meaning the money goes to benefit the government, not conservation. This shows that several zoos are just keeping animals as another way to earn money. Additionally, zoos that are not for profit spend more than 1 million dollars on a single exhibit, states article “Should We Have Zoos?” That money could go to preserving the actual habitat, instead of creating an artificial one. 

There are many arguments for zoos, but most of them are untrue. A common argument is that it helps with conservation to save species. But this is arguing for conservation sites, not zoos. An interviewed zoo conservationist on BBC asserts that the ideal zoos should be closed to the public. Instead of spending money on making it look appealing to the eye, they can use those funds for nourishment to the animals without the stress of visitors. Another frequent claim is that zoos help save endangered species. But it is proved that removing animals from the wild can further endanger them, due to the genetics not being as diverse. Financially, BBC states that only “4% of revenue goes back into conservation.” That’s hardly anything. Some pro-zoos say that it helps educate the public, but in reality, there is no significant change in behavior or interest in visitors, Britannica writes. 

Zoos do more damage to the wildlife than they do help. Several zoos care more about the profit than the actual animals, being shown with the poor living conditions, misuse of finances, and insufficient education that zoos provide. As time goes on, zoos continue to pose a threat to the environment, and one day, it will be the downfall to Earth’s delicate ecosystem. But instead of watching as zoos continue to harass animals, you could help make a difference! There are several petitions that you can sign to help take down zoos. Together, we can save wildlife. 


If you haven’t been on the reality side of life right now, you would know that Palestine and Israel are in a war which is slowly becoming a whole middle east against the west war. Besides wars, inflation is reaching an all time low of 3.2% and apartment/house rent being in a funky situation. Beyond the economic and world part, in my opinion, we are entering a new era in the cinematic/music/entertainment industry with movies from the 70’s to the early 2000’s coming out with sequel musicals,and  new popular music.

Looking back 76 years ago you, can see so many similarities between these two years; 2024 and 1948. Are we going back in time? Have we truly entered a war and a great depression?

The answers depend on how you would like to view what’s going on.

For more information about the similarities between those two years, we have have to go back to 1948, and see what went down.

We can all agree that war has a lot to do with money and inflation, which is why the USA dealt with post World War 2 inflation dropping down to 10%, with its highest rate (that it should have been at) being at 20%. With a democrat leading 1948 and a democrat leading 2024. 

But we aren’t in a war, why would our percentage drop to 3.2% in the present day? The answer to that will have to be, the pandemic aka Covid 19. With business shutting down, even the government shutting down, people losing jobs and such, the inflation began to decline and it is getting worse and worse with how the current economy is working during (a soon to be) war.

Speaking of war, looking back to spring, more specifically, May of 1948, the Palestinians welcomed jewish settlers who escaped the holocaust from Germany, and some parts around Europe to get to the middle eastern country called Palestine. Their settlement began as a UN and UK agreement for the jewish to have some part of Palestine for them to call their own (being Israel). They began to go past that agreement and ended up killing about 110 thousand Palestinians with a good portion of them escaping to countries around, like Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan. 

Which is very similar to what is happening now with in just 5 months of the Gaza vs Israel war, over 27 thousand have been killed and 73 thousand displaces, under rubble, or missing, as the USA and UK funding the killing and bombing Palestinian safe zones.

Besides the War and Economy time, Hamlet, Oliver Twist, and the Fallen City releasing and getting big, we got musicals as old hit movies like Mean Girls (2003), Wonka (1971), and even The Color Purple/book (1982). With artist Taylor swift dropping her new album soon and making her own name, Lana Del Rey dropping a tour, and new music genres on the rise, 1948 came out with “all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth”

To conclude all of this, This year is extremely similar to 1948 and is possible we might be going back in history, rather than how some would hope it being similar to 2014 and party 2020.

What do are your thoughts?

Zina K

Water- The Key to Our Futures

Social Media Isn’t All That Bad

In today’s world, ninety percent of teenagers utilize some type of social media daily. Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, and YouTube are the most popular among twelve to eighteen-year-olds in the US. Even though these apps can be used in some negative ways, it’s good to remember that people can also use social media to spread positivity and help others, as well as interact with friends and communities. Social media can have many positive impacts on teenagers’ lives.

Through social media people can rally for positive causes and support each other. Additionally, social media can assist teens in connecting with others and strengthening relationships. Teenagers view social media as a source of confidence and a way to build bonds, not some evil entity out to destroy their esteem. Teenagers are who we should be looking to, as they are the most affected by this argument. Some people say that social media can cause a negative lifestyle, forcing people to be perfect all the time; however, it’s incredibly easy to private your social media if you want, and not all social media are focused on selfies and looks. People too often group all social media into one category – there are tons of social media accounts on plants, animals, photography, art, and more. Thus, social media can reinforce people’s friendships and connections.

Despite what many think, social media is not the terrifying online crevasse that news headlines insist on propagandizing. Social media is a way to strengthen and build relationships and gather to support others. People must understand that these platforms aren’t all negative and that it isn’t all cyber bullying, spam, and hate. That’s just what people see on the news. Realizing the positives will help us come to a better understanding of social media, and allow us to navigate it safely.

Why Social Media Is Ruining Us

This might be a known topic by all adults though us teens and children younger than us won’t fully comprehend that fact since we have been raised on the internet and most of our entertainment, hobbies, inspiration, and style comes from the internet more specifically social media. 

But as time goes and the more trends and entertainments arise on our screens, the higher our dopamine levels are drawn to social media which feeds our social media addiction. 

The more addicted we are to social media the less sense of reality we have and we begin to see the world in a different shape, because we would much rather escape the world by going on a screen than by escaping the screen and going into the world. 

That might have sounded cliche but its so true. For example those ten year olds getting skin care products, the wanting to go on horrible diets to be like certain people, or the opposite, eating something that looks so good but is to harmful to your body, and so many more examples.

To conclude all the statistics and my own personal opinion, Social media rots a person’s brain. It not only decreases your attention span which changes peoples focus therefore affecting success.

Social media may be artistic, comedy based, etc but it changes people’s true artistic behaviors because of what is being presented to them on their screen vs what is actually going in reality. 

Beyond art and the brain, social media turns people into rude being, uninteresting, and selfish people. Even though we all think we are kind and authentic people, social media is such a trend based place that gives out only certain peoples opinions which is then paced all around the world till everyone has the same opinions making everyone un-authentic and a bunch of copy and pastes.

If you dont believe anything I wrote, check your social media screen time.

Most Popular Social Medias of 2023

2023, the year of technology. Where daily activities such as shopping, chatting, and reading went online and social media gained users by the masses. According to “Smart Insights,” about 61.4% of the world’s population used social media last year. So with the start of a new year and the end of a great one, it’s time to look back on some of the biggest social platforms used in 2023.

In sixth place, we have TikTok with an average of 1.1 billion monthly users. This addictive app hit 1 million users within a matter of just 200 days. The majority of its audience is 18-20 years old, but older age groups can also find entertainment in it.

At fifth we have WeChat, which is widely known in China as an “app for everything.” It has 1.33 billion monthly users. With its messaging function, video chats, games, mobile payment, location sharing and more, there’s no wonder it’s so popular!

In fourth, Instagram is a steady contestant with 2.4 billion monthly users. Most people have it as a secondary platform, though. Only 0.1% of people have Instagram as their only social media. But despite that, it’s still a great place to stay in touch with your friends!

WhatsApp is third! Because of its widespread use over 180 countries, it has about 2.78 billion monthly users. It is ranked number one as the most used messaging app in the world!

Second place is YouTube, a beloved platform for people all around the world. Users can make jobs from being content creators on YouTube. Not to mention it’s function of YouTube Shorts, which has bite-sized videos to enjoy whenever you’d like.

Finally, in first place we have Facebook. Although it has an older audience, people of all ages can enjoy it. Whether it’s seeing pictures of your grandma’s dog or your best friend’s birthday, Facebook is the go-to place for updates on people’s lives.

2024 is a new year full of new surprises. My predictions for social media will be that TikTok gains more viewers and makes it into the top 5, or maybe even top 3. Social media has come a long way, and I await its further development in the new year.

Would Life Be Easier Without Governments?

I’ve always thought that life would be so much easier if everyone just governed themselves, and was in charge of their rights and property. Humans have, after all, imposed war, famine, unjust societal standards, and a plethora of other issues upon themselves; no natural forces have really contributed that much to the unhappiness and restriction within our society.

What would happen if there was no government, or a system of hierarchy? Someone could own an endless amount of property and have as many liberties as they wish. But, to make it just, everyone else would have those same exact freedoms, too. This also means that if I declare a certain amount of land to be mine without any legal resources binding me to it, my neighbor could just as rightfully claim that land to be theirs and kick me off. I wouldn’t really be able to do anything about it, and I would probably get angry. If this system were to exist in our world right now, every little thing would end up in a stalemate, and wars would probably be a lot more frequent.

No matter how good you think your idea of perfect personal liberties are, there will always be someone near you with opposing thoughts regarding what those rights should be. If those ideals were to be extremely different, people would most definitely break into chaos. For example, you might think that it is wrong to own multiple firearms (even if it is for self-defense) but your neighbor may think it is right. Not only can some sort of conflict ensue, but because there would be no legal consequences to your neighbor’s actions, you may also start to feel unsafe, which is in violation of your natural rights.

Governments have the power to protect our inalienable rights and impose serious consequences on those who violate them, but with the guarantee of certain rights, other freedoms will have to be sacrificed. This idea of social contracts means that no one can ever really be entitled to every single freedom in the book if they want to peacefully (to some extent) coexist with other individuals.

In the end, it’s impossible to please everyone; not all people will be satisfied with the way central governments are structured. While I agree that our current ruling system has its faults, it is pretty successful at maintaining societal structure while still trying to defend everyone’s personal rights.

The Shining by Stephen King

In the 1977 horror novel The Shining, Jack Torrance is hired as the winter caretaker of the Overlook Hotel, and was invited to stay there with his family during the rough season. Seen as how Jack was battling against a past drinking addiction that put him and his wife in conflict, this was a perfect chance for the family to get closer. However, his five year old son, Danny Torrance, has a psychic ability called “the shining,” which allowed him to sense that the Overlook Hotel is a place of danger. Despite this, the Torrances, needing the money, continued with their plan to go there, leading to a journey of insanity, demonic possessions, and a dark, gruesome look at the Overlook’s past.

One of the best aspects of King’s writing would have to be his extremely detailed imagery. The extent to which he describes each event allows the readers to better picture the struggles and terrors each character goes through, which is an important aspect of any horror novel. The complexity in the characters, especially in Jack, also added a sense of realism to the story. King shows how Jack wasn’t “perfect,” and that his abusive past ultimately impacted the person he grew to be. Yet, he still felt shame towards his actions at the same time, causing readers to feel confusion as they develop their feelings towards him.

Overall, I found The Shining to be extremely engaging and definitely one of the best horror novels I’ve ever read. While still suspenseful and thrilling, I didn’t find the story to be extremely scary, making it more accessible to a wide audience. I do admit that some chapters felt very long and dragged on, but the build up to the end ultimately made these dull moments worth it. Despite any flaws, the characterization, imagery, and impressive writing displayed throughout the novel makes it truly deserving of the title of one of King’s best works.

-Aysha H.

The Shining by Stephen King is available to check out from the Mission Viejo Library. It is also available to download for free from Libby.